
Friday, July 3, 2009

I Have Arrived !!

Well I just arrived in London yesterday and damn was it one hell of a flight. Here we go...

1) I was sitting next to my sis. Then there was an aisle and then my mom. Next to her were these two guys. So i went to use the rest room, and i hate myself so much for not locking the door. I'm such an ideot to forget. So the guy sitting next to my mom walked in ;/ i yelled "l222222222222 shiiiiiiiiit" then once i got back to my seat i looked at him and said "ma 9ar shay.. insa .. ma 9ar shay" and he smiled and nodded. God only knows if he saw anything.

2) There were these little rascals who kept coming in and out of econemy passing by me and my mom smiling. We got so pissed. We kept laughing, i mean why the hell are they smiling? I mean ok, bs how many freakin times. kl el 3ela in and out , in and out 5ala9 3ad !!! zawadooooha !!!

3) My cousina nd I were out this after noon. Walking to a cafe and damn were all eyes on us. A7la shay was when we were walking and this hot arabic dude was on his cell phone passing by us, once he saw us he told his friend on the other line "shft jamal".

4) Ok im so excited. I've got London, my hot wardrobe, and my heels... this is gonna be one hell of a summer. Living it up.

Oh and guys, I dont think i can post anything since the internet keeps disconnecting. But i will try my best to post.

Love u all and i Hope ur having a great summer :)



Nawarii said...

wanasaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im so happy for u honey enjoy the summer and the hotties 3ad save me some weyach hahaha and dont worry about blogging just enjoy being flirted with lol

Dreamer;* said...

7ady abyy arou7 london;p yallah enjoy it while you're there! And etha la7athtay ena all of the eyes aren't on you anymore.. Then be sure that Dreamer has arrived and all of the eyes are on her:p

lillybelle said...

i want londoooonnn :(