
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trapped {11} Preview!

My Little Pretties,

Please forgive me but today is so not my day. I've been thinking, head spinning all day and I just can't seem to write anything. Everytime I try I just end up writing a sentence then freeze. So I'm very sorry but no post tonight. Inshallah tommorow. But I'm gonna give you a teey tiny preview of the begining.

xx - D.


Yasser: Nouni wake up !... Nouni !!.... Nouni !!

Noura: WHAT WHAT !!

Yasser: Bismilah 3leeki 7beebty. Shhhhh you were just dreaming.

Noura: I still haven't told them ?

Yasser: La lisa 7beebty, yallah go have a relaxing shower and I'll wait for you downstairs.

Hmmm... I guess it was just a dream. Very well then.. let the day begin.


FooFii said...

WEEEEEEEEE# jad ha ! ambii abii abchii !! HEHEHE laish DRERAM !

Anonymous said...

7asaffaa! I was hoping it was true;p
can't wait for the next post:*