Mmmm hmmm *sobbing*
I was on facebook 3adi ok, doing the usual when all of a sudden this page opend up saying my account has been disabled. I was confused, just two seconds ago everything was fine. I think someone hacked it.. I'm not sure.
I found two diffirent ways to contact the facebook team bs 6al 3mrhm ma rado 3alay. But one source did send an auto message back... just giving me a link to a page that had privacy requirments. Haha... 3asa ma takalafto !!
I'm pissed here. I really dont want to make another account. This is my second one !
Did this ever happen to any of you?? What did you do??
Help meee !! :S
yeah marra 9arlyy! and then after 3 days I logged in, and it was activated. so I'm not a big help aren't I? sorry hehe;p.. but try contacting the facebook team again.
-DREAMER;* (bs maly khelg adesh men my account:p)
lool la walah i'm sorry just email them or wait a couple of days and see what happens:p
no I dont own a facebook account :)
inshalla you find a solution soon :)
why the hell do ppl hack emails !! mani fahma !! they're so annoying..
Just keep emailing them till they reply !!
That never happened to me 7mdella i might die if they do so , i have pics uploaded there . . Anyways if this is your second time you should keep ur facebook account less personal . or make ur password super hard ..
it's ok don't worry..
there is an automated system that disables your account when you are more active than other days, i think it's against spams.. i was sending invitations to friends once and half way through i got disabled and i found out later it was i was sending too many messages they thought its a spam..
email them once a day, till they activate it..
it happened to so many ppl i know too..!!
me too i dont have a facebook account and this is just to tell you i like the new colors belpage much better ;**
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